How to Market Your Private Tutoring Lessons

Private tutoring is all about word of mouth. That word of mouth doesn’t work if you have no one to spread around how great you are, though. If you’re just starting out and don’t have anyone to help get your name out there, then you’ll want to figure out the best marketing strategies to get your private tutoring lesson business off the ground.
Here’s how to market your private tutoring lessons business to get you the most clients and plenty of word-of-mouth referrals.
What’s in a Name
Think about the other businesses that you like. What makes you remember their name? Something short and to the point usually works. You might think just using your name like Bob Wright’s Tutoring is enough, but is it catchy and memorable enough? What if you have a name that’s hard to spell or pronounce?
Something catchy, smart, and memorable is going to catch people’s eyes. Usually, when parents begin looking for a tutor for their child, it’s because they need to bring their child’s grade up and fast. They are doing quick searches and making quick decisions. You want to stand out. A catchy name and logo will help you accomplish this.
Have a Website
People look for companies on the internet. You need to create a website or a web page, but you can’t just make it and think that’s it. You need to promote your website and help it move to the top of search engine pages. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential. You can hire someone to do this, or you can do it yourself.
List your business with search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Add yourself to list services in your areas, such as Yelp. Have a blog as part of your website and write frequent high-quality posts.
You can also have other people guest blog for you, and you should guest blog on other blogs too. Make sure they’ll allow you to link back to your blog. Have an SEO plugin on your website and use keywords on your blog posts. It’s important to use high-quality keywords to get the search to go to your page.
Your website is an important digital advertising tool. You might also want to have a Facebook page for digital advertising. However, don’t overlook the traditional advertising such as local paper. Create flyers and put them in the letterbox. Go places where parents will be, like the grocery store, Karate, schools, parks, etc.
Make some business cards and put them on bulletin boards; hand them out whenever you possibly can. Place them in strategic shelves in the library near the subject you are going to be tutoring in.
Contact the local schools and introduce yourself to teachers. Parents will often ask teachers for suggestions of tutors when their children are struggling. Get your business card in the teacher’s hand, and they will pass it on to the parents when asked.
Getting your name out there in every possible way is going to be critical in reaching out to those who are in need of private tutoring lessons. Don’t ever stop advertising. You can ask current clients for referrals, but you’ll need to continue to work other outlets.
Having more work than you can handle is better than not enough. Get to know other area tutors, so you know who to send the overflow to when your schedule gets too full.
The specialist at Taagme will be able to help with building up your brand, website and package you up! Click here to find out more: