How To Promote Your DJ Business

Whether you have a wedding DJ business or if you are a club DJ, you will want to promote your business as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is to approach family and friends. Make sure that if you are scheduled to perform in a club that you have as many family and friends in attendance as possible.
In this world of being a DJ, you will get most of your business by word of mouth. So you should be sure that as many people know about your business as possible.
One way that you can promote your business is to offer your services for free at an event for family and friends. This should be an event that is not just for family and friends but will also include other guests. You should have cards that you hand out to others so that they can hire you for the job. If you do an excellent job at your first gig, the chances are that you will get others.
Always have your business cards on hand. You never know who you are going to meet when you are out who needs a DJ. If you are working as a wedding DJ and also have aspirations to spin disks, you should have two cards printed. Make sure that you give the appropriate card to the right person. Strike up conversations with those at parties and other events where you meet people. Again, this is a business where people generally get the person from ‘someone they know.”
If you have a gig, you should tell those who are interested in your services to drop in. They can take a look at how you perform to decide if they want to hire you. By always being at your best, you stand a much better chance of getting more business.
Always show up on time. Make sure that your equipment works. Have a “plan B” in case of anything faulty that goes wrong. While there are some things that you cannot do anything about, there are ways to back up your equipment. A generator, for example, can help if you have a power outage. Be flexible when it comes to performing.
It is important when you are dealing with people. Sometimes people will say that they want one thing when they want another. Do not get annoyed, but make sure that you can change your plans. Nothing should be etched in stone, although you do want to have a performance plan in mind when you are acting as a DJ.
Having cards printed is cheap and can be done online. You should also promote your business if you are working at a club by having flyers printed to advertise yourself at the club. You can hand these out and even put the flyers in local stores. You can get more people to come to the club in this way.
Charity events are another way to promote your business. You can donate your time to a charity event, meet a whole new group of people who will not only enjoy your music but will also admire you for giving of yourself to a charity cause. You can often get business in this way,
You should always be promoting your business. Make an excuse to talk about your business to those who you meet. You never know if the guy you meet in the elevator has a friend who is opening up a new nightclub and is looking for a DJ.