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Individual / Business Name

MOR Images

Talent Categories

Still / Video Photographers

Talent Core Skills/Services

Photographer, Videographer

Talent Work streams

Social Media, Stock Photography


Location - Country



About Me - My Talents / Professional Bio / Business focus

Photography has been a long time passion, which for me, came into fruition when it went digital. This falls “hand in hand” with my other passion, Computing and IT systems. I have been enjoying Digital Photography for over 12 years and over the last few years I have become more serious about this artistic form of expression.
Professional Integrity and dedication are also Paramount to me.
I’m based in Adelaide, South Australia.
I will Photograph Corporate Events, Parties, Weddings and Special Occasions. I love taking photos of people and portraits, product and studio work, close up work and getting detail in a subject.
Using a Full Frame camera I take all my images in RAW format and use Lightroom / Photoshop software to process them.

Products and Services

Still Photography in Live, onsite environments and Studio

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