Qualities Of A Good Dancer

Whether it is a salsa dancer or ballet or jazz, there are several basic qualities that the dancers should possess to get success in their dancing. Dancing can be done for fun, or as a hobby or for career development. Dancers who have years and years of practice to be confident in their dance style. They become experts in a specific dance form.
Many qualities are required in a dancer. Some of these qualities are:-
- Flexibility
The flexible body is one of the most important things that a dancer should have. This will help the dancers in getting expert in the well-renowned dance forms like jazz, contemporary etc. Though flexibility is not required every time it is expected that the dancers are capable enough to do the challenging movements with grace and elegance. A flexible body also helps in avoiding cramps and muscular injuries.
- Strength
Strength is the other factor that is very important for the dancers. They should have power in their muscles. Their ankles and legs should be strong enough to maintain the balance of the body. The dancers should feel ease in doing their body movements, and it will be possible if they have strength in their body. The movements like lifts, jumps and leaps are the toughest and challenging part of a dance. They require dynamic strength.
- Rhythm
A dancer should also have the quality of identifying the different genres and rhythms in the music. Dances like swings, ballroom dance and salsa, are the styles which require a good sense of judgment by the dancers.
- Technical Knowledge
Another important quality that the dancers should have is the technical knowledge about all the dance forms. What kinds of steps are used in different dance styles?? What are the names of various dance styles?? What are their necessary steps??….a thorough knowledge on the dance forms will help the dancers in characterising the different dance moves. The dancers should be well aware of the various terms used in dance styles.